The Inklings Fellowship "Weekend in Montreat"

The Inklings Fellowship “Weekend in Montreat”

Crystal Hurd

All images courtesy of Crystal Hurd

It is a small, obscure pub located on the side street in Oxford, England. The sign, an image bearing a rosy-cheeked infant perched securely upon the back of an eagle in flight, swings in the afternoon breeze as several men gather in the rabbit room to discuss and share their latest writings. In this intimate environment, this womb of creativity, some of the greatest works of the twentieth century were conceived, shared within a small group of friends, collaboratively shaped and refined until the public would read and adore them, which would solidify their fame and thus immortalize these brilliant authors.

This crucial setting coupled with warm company is perhaps an integral aspect of the personal happiness and literary success of members of this wonderful gathering. The assembling together (of which Paul tells us not to forsake) creates lasting friendships, cherished memories, and can serve as the catalyst for creativity.

It is in this same spirit that the Inklings Fellowship “Weekend in Montreat” meets every year in the emerald hills of North Carolina. There, in a spot that could rival Rivendell, admirers and fans of the Inklings meet to discuss, share, and converse like the heroes of faith and literature did decades ago in that tiny, smoke-filled, pint-populated room full of laughter, respect, and great ideas.

The Inklings Fellowship is coordinated by two delightful, erudite Inkling scholars: Dr. Hal Poe is the Charles Colson Professor of Faith and Culture at Union University and author of C.S. Lewis Remembered and The Inklings of Oxford while Dr. Don King is a literature professor at Montreat College and the author of C.S. Lewis, Poet: The Legacy of His Poetic Impulse, Hunting the Unicorn: A Critical Biography of Ruth Pitter, and Out of My Bone: The Letters of Joy Davidman, and Plain to the Inward Eye: Selected Essays on C.S. Lewis. In addition, Nigel Goodwin, founder of the Genesis Arts Trust, will be speaking and leading the “Inklings Evening” filled with poetry, readings, and song.  Ryan Pemberton, a former resident at the Kilns (Lewis’s home) and Ben Mitchell, internationally recognized ethicist, author, and Professor of Moral Theology at Union University will both speak on the conference theme: “The Hope in Our Calling”.

Also, the conference will celebrate the 60th anniversary of The Fellowship of the Ring. Join us April 11-13 as we celebrate the collaborative spirit and friendly conversation of the Inklings at Montreat College.

I strongly urge you to attend. This is a wonderful event! I will be serving on a panel discussion on Tolkien and Film. Don’t miss it.

For more information, visit the Inklings Fellowship website:

About Crystal Hurd 47 Articles
Crystal is a writer, poet, reader, and public school educator from Virginia. She is happily married with three beautiful Terriers (adopted from local shelters). Her dissertation explored the leadership of C.S Lewis with postdoctoral work focusing on the leadership roles of artists. An unapologetic book nerd, Crystal loves to read and research works involving faith, literature, art, and leadership. She also possesses a deep, unrelenting interest in all things European, especially Doctor Who. You can read her weekly thoughts on her webpage/blog, friend her on Facebook, (Crystal Sullivan Hurd) and follow her on Twitter: @DoctorHurd and @hurdofficial.

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