Lego Lord of the Rings Video Game Confirmed

Today, the Lego video game franchise has just gotten a little more colorful. First reported on MCV, the article points to packaging materials found within the preview sets of the Lego figurines that are to go on sale this summer to confirm their claim. These packaging promos have shown the developer Traveller’s Tales and their parent company Warner Bros, though the images have been blurred.


Traveller’s Tales and parent TT Games secured the Lego franchise license back in 2004, and have gone on to make the largely successful Lego game franchises, with entries such as Lego Batman, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Harry Potter. Due to the fact the LotR films are broken into the same trilogy the books are, chances are there might be three games like the Harry Potter games. Those were split into two games (Years 1-4 and 5-7).

Gamespot has also reported that on top of the MCV article, UK game retailer originally had a pre-order advertisement up on their main page, which has since been taken down. A Google Cached version of the page, courtesy of Gamespot, shows box art placeholder images as well as a release date of October 26, 2012. This is not an actual release date, which could be one of the reasons why this page has since been removed.

Warner Bros will likely reveal the game in the next few weeks leading up to E3, or unveil it at the convention itself. Either way, Lord of  the Rings fans will have a lot of games to be interested in at this year’s E3, as the LotRO expansion Riders of Rohan will undoubtedly be on display, as well as The Hobbit movie tie in announced last October could be displayed as well.

Stay tuned here to Middle-earth News as this story develops!

About Joseph Bradford 52 Articles
Freelance Game Journalist, currently covering games for Legendarium. Tolkienist. Once thought he saw a woodchuck chuck wood. Turns out they can't.

1 Comment

  1. Now if only TT will actually TEST the game on the Wii. The 2nd Harry Potter Lego game has at least 5 or 6 places that will crash the game and require you to hold down the power button on the Wii to get it to turn off. They are so easy to trigger that there is no way anybody played all the way through with 2 players! The TT Lego games have gone from almost bug free on the first to Star Wars games, to one annoying bug on the first Indy game, to almost unfinishable with 2 players on the Harry Potter game (yes, you can get around it but it really takes the joy out of the game).

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