Legendarium TV Recap: Arrow (Season 5, Episode 15)


Arrow- Season 5 Episode 15 – Fighting Fire with Fire

Oliver is attacked by Vigilante while acting as mayor. Diggle leads the team on a mission to stop Vigilante once and for all. City Council starts impeachment proceedings against Oliver. Felicity has become addicted to hacking and goes so far as to join the hacking group Helix.

Dinah is able to get a piece of Vigilante’s helmet. Curtis uses T speheres to track down Vigilante. Diggle,Curtis, and Rene go after him. They stop him from shooting Oliver. He is able to get away. Susan Williams returns and knows that Oliver is Green Arrow. He neither confirmed or denied when she asked in their previous conversation. Thea resigns as Oliver’s assistant after what she and Felicity had done to Susan Williams. Oliver holds a news conference and makes Green Arrow public enemy #1.

Oliver faces impeachment after the news about Green Arrow’s involvement in Detective Malone’s death comes out and that he helped to cover it up. In the end, Oliver is not impeached. Prometheus makes an appearance. Interesting to note is that Prometheus’ identity is revealed before Vigilante’s. Prometheus is Adrian Chase. Chase was at the top of my list for being Prometheus. It is going to be interesting how the rest of the season plays out now that Oliver will know who Prometheus is in the next episode. Adrian goes after Susan. He tells her she’ll want to hear what he has to say because it’s a matter of life or death.

Coming up…

Next week’s episode Oliver gets closer to the truth about Prometheus. Helix refuses to help Felicity until she does a favor for them.

Arrow airs Wednesday nights on The CW. You can check out the latest episodes here: http://www.cwtv.com/shows

About Diane Riggins 87 Articles
Diane Riggins writes fantasy (epic and urban), and paranormal novels and screenplays. She and her family live in the South with their dog and three cats. When she’s not writing she spends her time reading her favorite books which include The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Dark Hunter series, playing her favorite online game Lord of the Rings Online, watching some of her favorite movies (Fast and Furious Franchise,Harry Potter Franchise, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings) and tv shows (Supernatural, Grimm, The Originals, and Arrow). You can read updates about her writing projects and other random topics on her blog: a-creative-mind.com, follow her on facebook (drigginsauthor), and on twitter: @dianeriggins.

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