Matt Lanter Recorded New Anakin Lines…For What?

The voice actor who gave new life to Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: The Clone Wars revealed earlier today that he “Recorded a little Anakin today…man that felt good! #clonewars @starwars” along with this picture:


But…why? The best guess is that Anakin may show up one way or another in Star Wars Rebels, but like James Arnold Taylor’s cameo as a holographic Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin would have to appear in much the same way as flashbacks are not exactly a storytelling device used in the Star Wars mythos.

Or…dare we to hope that there may still be some TCW goings-on? Okay, most likely not, but we can dream.

Star Wars Rebels
This animated entry in the “Star Wars” franchise fills the gap between the events of “Episode III” and “Episode IV.” Imperial forces occupy a remote planet and are ruling — and ruining — its inhabitants’ lives with an iron fist. A clever, disparate crew aboard the starship Ghost takes a stand against the Empire, facing new villains and colorful adversaries. The rebels on the Ghost include leader Kanan, ace pilot Hera, feisty heroine Sabine, tough guy Zeb and 14-year-old con artist Ezra.

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About Michelle Lawhorn 211 Articles
Hailing from some kind of void beyond the stars, Stormraven indulges in costuming, writing, and flailing excessively over her favorite geeky things; Star Wars is at the top of the list and will remain there for quite some time.

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