Daniel Radcliffe Grows Horns


Despite the fact that Daniel Radcliffe is doomed to always be Harry Potter in the minds and hearts of many, he’s still doing a remarkable job of creative a diverse and interesting body of work. We already wrote about his upcoming romantic comedy, ‘What If,’ and many know about his turns on the stage (notably when he bared it all in ‘Equus,’ though he’s done several shows since). The next big film project that fans can expect to see him in, however, is a bit of a return to form- right down to the kinship with snakes.

Due out on Halloween, Radcliffe is staring in the movie version of Joe Hill’s remarkable supernatural mystery novel, Horns, about an awkward young man, Ig, who is blamed for the brutal murder of the woman he loved. Naturally, the crime and the accusations consume Ig and that’s when things really start to change for him. I don’t want to give away too much of the plot, as it’s absolutely delightful. The book is a wonderful, engaging read, and the movie, from what the trailer shows, promises to follow the spirit of the book quite well.

So if you miss seeing Daniel Radcliffe playing the misunderstood hero who speaks to snakes, check this movie out on October 31st, and if you’ve got time, read the book as well.


Robyn Stone-Kraft


Robyn was a fan of fantasy before she was aware there were even other entertainment options. She’s been a writer just as long as she’s been a fantasy fan. In D&D she plays Wizard, she was sorted into Slytherin, she supports House Lannister, flirts with Garrus Vakarian, supports the Imperial Empire, and she has a favorite Doctor. She also has more degrees in Literature than most people tend to consider a good life choice, has somehow managed to get some of her poetry published, and gets to fail college students who decide they don’t have to turn in their assignments. She lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, with her husband, four cats, and huge personal library.

About Robyn Stone-Kraft 34 Articles
Robyn was a fan of fantasy before she was aware there were even other entertainment options. She’s been a writer just as long as she’s been a fantasy fan. In D&D she plays Wizard, she was sorted into Slytherin, she supports House Lannister, flirts with Garrus Vakarian, supports the Imperial Empire, and she has a favorite Doctor. She also has more degrees in Literature than most people tend to consider a good life choice, has somehow managed to get some of her poetry published, and gets to fail college students who decide they don’t have to turn in their assignments. She lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, with her husband, four cats, and huge personal library.

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