Storm Fan Film Needs Your Help to "Truly FLY"!


Late last year, we brought you news that an X-Men fan film focused on Ororo Munroe, a.k.a. Storm, received funding through Kickstarter to be made. That was great! But Maya Glick, the incredible woman behind the project, has one more plea:

As a complete rookie to this experience, however,  there were a few things I totally spaced on– like the cost of Kickstarter itself, for one thing.  After taxes and fees and the handful of pledges that didn’t go through, our initial $10,000 ended up being more like $8900.
That  is a teeny tiny micro-budget for a sci-fi short with VFX and high production value.
I have lucked into an awesome group of pros who are willing to do as much as they can basically pro bono  just because they believe in the story and know how awesome it’s going to turn out.   Still, there are big expenses on a production like this… bigger ones than I knew anything about.

So here I am again, asking for a little more help.


She goes on to say what your donations will help go towards:

*With a bit more funding, we won’t have to cut corners on things like costuming or vehicle rental… or other little details necessary to tell the story the way it deserves to be told and the way you deserve to see it.

*With a bit more funding I can cover the cost of the rewards from the FIRST Kickstarter without having to drain the already tiny budget we have so far (or go flat broke myself trying to do it on my own).

*More funding will give the crew some breathing room and elevate the production value even further.

Basically, the more we raise the less the story and important storytelling devices have to get trimmed and clipped away.

There are only a couple more days left to help reach her stretch goal of $10,000 to make this film something truly spectacular! Any amount, no matter how small, is most appreciated and one step closer to reaching that goal. Remember what Galadriel said to Frodo: “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” And that is certainly the case here as well. Click the link here to go to the donation page and make a pledge.

Read more about the project and be kept up-to-date on the Rain Facebook page for all kinds of behind-the-scenes photos, teaser trailers, and more!


About Reporter Michelle Lawhorn:
Michelle, a.k.a. Stormraven, is what can only be described as an eclectic nerd. Her interests and expertise range from Doctor Who to Lord of the Rings, cosplay to comics, and Bollywood to opera to name just a few. When not raving about her “fandoms”, she can be found working on projects as an Associate Editor at Haven Publishing and adding to her ever-growing list of Things to Cosplay. She can currently be found searching for more material to feed her newfound obsession with Star Wars.

About Michelle Lawhorn 211 Articles
Hailing from some kind of void beyond the stars, Stormraven indulges in costuming, writing, and flailing excessively over her favorite geeky things; Star Wars is at the top of the list and will remain there for quite some time.

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